You can help us through your donation.
Commemorative Air Force is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization, dedicated to the restoration and flying of World War II aircraft. The work crews are made up of volunteers from all walks of life. Many of our volunteers are aircraft workers by day and vintage aircraft restorers by night. Cadets and the non-professional workers are trained and supervised by these highly qualified aviation professionals.
We do more that what you would find in a museum, we are providing riders a Living History Experiences by flying these WW2 birds. Our Aviation hero’s that came from the Greatest Generation, started their training on planes like the PT-19 or the PT-26.
We receive no government funding so your support is greatly appreciated.
It’s from your donations that help keep our vintage birds flying and to preserve our WW2 aviation history from fading from public memory. Giving our future Generation an opportunity to experience what the Greatest Generation lived through.
Your general donation will support the following items:
- Engine overhaul.
- Airplane maintenance and repairs.
- Fuel for air show fly in.
- Insurance and operational cost.
It takes a lot of work from volunteers and money to keep these old airplanes flying. SOT funding comes from Airplane Rides, Merchandise from our PX, Special Events like the Hangar Dance and from your Donations. We receive no government funding so your support is greatly appreciated .
SOT has a legacy of hard working volunteers who have made a difference in rebuilding and flying our vintage airplanes. We would like to continue with their efforts, but there are no guarantees under the current economy if we will be successful or not. It’s through your support which can make a difference on whether we are seeing our future as a Sun Set or as a Sun Rise for the Spirit of Tulsa Squadron.